[Infinite Campus] New Features: Nov 2019

Infinite Campus

New Noteworthy Features: November 2019

There are some pretty good updates for teachers this month in Infinite Campus that will benefit teachers across the board regardless of grade level. There wasn’t any big noteworthy changes for support staff in this update.
You can click or tap on the headers to expand the information about the various changes. Some have a button at the bottom to navigate to the official support document articles.

Full Release Notes


New Advisory Tool click to expand

A new Advisory tool has been added to Infinite Campus Instruction that allows teachers to
easily identify students that are falling behind.

You can access the tool at: Campus Instruction > Advisory or if you are on the new look:
Campus Instruction > Instruction > Advisory

You can filter students in the section by the following:

  • Missing assignments
  • Late assignments
  • Failing grades

You can then click on a student to view their academic profile page which shows various information
including their grades, attendance, and To-Do list.

Progress Monitor Scoring click to expand

Progress Monitor has a new Score screen that allows teachers to grade all of the
across an entire section regardless of which standard it is connected to. This is
useful for K-6 teachers that are using standards and will make the grading process much faster.

You can access the new tool at: Campus Instruction > Progress Monitor > Score (button)