Add Account to an iPad

Add Account To An iPad

Step 1

Go into the Settings app.

Step 2

Select Mail, Contacts, and Calendars.


Step 3

Select Add Account.


Step 4

Select Google.


Step 5

Type in your full work email address and select Next.


Step 6

Type in your password and select Next.


Step 7

We recommend checking Mail, Contacts, and Calendars. Then select Save.


Step 8

Once you are finished, your emails will show up in the Mail App, your Calendars will be in the Calendar App, and you will be able to search for employee emails while writing emails to them.

Add Account to a Laptop or Desktop Computer

  1. From the Apple Menu in the upper left-hand corner of your computer screen, select System Preferences.compemailstep1
  2. Select Internet Accounts.compemailstep2
  3. Select Google.compemailstep3
  4. Type in your full school email address then select Next.compemailstep4
  5. Type in your password and select Next.compemailstep5
  6. On this next step, we suggest making sure that Email, Contacts, and Calendars are selected. Then press Done.compemailstep6
  7. Once you are finished, your emails will show up in the Mail App, your Calendars will be in the Calendar App, and you will be able to search for employee emails while writing emails to them.